For many, the holidays can be an emotionally distressful time. Some psychologists even associate this time of year with the highest amount of distress and depression. So what is it about the change in weather, overwhelming bombardment of commercial ads to buy buy buy, ending of the year with thoughts of all those things we just didn’t get around to, shorter daylight hours, kids with colds and traffic traffic traffic that can bring us down during these most festive of holiday times? Wow, that’s a lot for anyone’s plate. I find these tips below helpful to ease the distress level back to a manageable stress level and assist motivating good tidings.
· Look towards your Faith- Take a moment and reconnect with your spirituality. What is this season truly about? This is a great time to build those habits of faith formation that will carry us through the rest of the year.
· Plan a realistic schedule with enough balance for work, family needs and yourself. Sleep is very important during this season. Some will even go to the extent of time blocking just for the holidays.
· If you will be driving or traveling, plan extra time for the traffic, road conditions, parking and packing.
· Keep a close watch on eating and especially drinking. No one wants to be remembered as the one who “got so drunk” at the Holiday Party. Over eating and eating rich or unaccustomed foods can drastically change how your body responds.
· Airborne- Taking Airborne or a good vitamin supplement daily as well as washing your hands will help keep those nasty little colds at bay. Especially when we are in contact with more people than normal through traveling, shopping, office parties, etc.
· Hug those that are important to us. Let them know they are loved and give them a chance to love you back. We are not alone. We have our communities. And communities build love.
· Always remember that we can only control the choices we make for ourselves. The consequences of our choices are ours to keep. When things feel like they are slipping out of control I remember the words of Reinhold Niebuhr,
· Look towards your Faith- Take a moment and reconnect with your spirituality. What is this season truly about? This is a great time to build those habits of faith formation that will carry us through the rest of the year.
· Plan a realistic schedule with enough balance for work, family needs and yourself. Sleep is very important during this season. Some will even go to the extent of time blocking just for the holidays.
· If you will be driving or traveling, plan extra time for the traffic, road conditions, parking and packing.
· Keep a close watch on eating and especially drinking. No one wants to be remembered as the one who “got so drunk” at the Holiday Party. Over eating and eating rich or unaccustomed foods can drastically change how your body responds.
· Airborne- Taking Airborne or a good vitamin supplement daily as well as washing your hands will help keep those nasty little colds at bay. Especially when we are in contact with more people than normal through traveling, shopping, office parties, etc.
· Hug those that are important to us. Let them know they are loved and give them a chance to love you back. We are not alone. We have our communities. And communities build love.
· Always remember that we can only control the choices we make for ourselves. The consequences of our choices are ours to keep. When things feel like they are slipping out of control I remember the words of Reinhold Niebuhr,
“God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; and the courage to change the things I can; and the wisdom to know the difference.”
I hope this helps. It has been a pleasure to be a part of everyone’s lives this year. I wish everyone much love, health, happiness and prosperity for the holiday season and upcoming New Year. Enjoy the season and remember to call me for all your real estate needs and referrals.
1 comment:
Marty: Definitely good information. This year, my goal has been to keep an open schedule and NOT feel like I have to go to EVERYTHING. It has certainly helped this season!
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