Wednesday, January 18, 2012


Looking for a cost-effective way to increase security in your home and save energy at the same time? You could put some of the lamps in your house on a timer — or you could consider wireless lighting.

According to, wireless lighting enables you to replace switches in your home with receivers that respond to radio frequency signals from remote controls. It might sound complicated, but it’s fairly simple: Disconnect the manual switches and replace them with dimmers. Freestanding lamps that must be plugged into an outlet can be plugged into wireless receptors connected to the outlet. You can even program one remote to operate multiple lights throughout your house, no matter the size.

Aside from the ability to turn off a light downstairs when you’re already upstairs or turn on a light from anywhere in your home if you hear a suspicious noise, the main benefit of installing a wireless lighting system is reducing electricity and energy consumption. You can connect the system to a timer to set lights to turn on and off at specific times.

Wireless systems can range in price, from as little as $30 for a starter kit to hundreds of dollars to equip your entire home. Before installation, talk to a certified electrician to ensure the kit you purchase is the best for your home.

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