Thursday, July 7, 2016

Welcome to the Neighborhood

Moving is hard: With all the logistical considerations of buying the home, closing, moving out of the old place and then into the new, unpacking and then getting settled, you might be too overwhelmed to actually get out and meet the neighbors. But nothing will make your new house feel like a home like knowing the area and the people around you. Here’s a few ways to get involved. Homeowners looking to take advantage should make sure they understand the following information first:

Get outside. Nothing is quite as easy or effective as showing your face in the neighborhood. Do some yardwork, take frequent strolls or take the kids (or the dog) to a nearby park.
Volunteer. Whether you can spare a few hours at your kids’ school, with a service group or at an animal shelter, volunteering will allow you to meet people while doing good. Try contacting your local municipality about opportunities.
Join a club. Try your local library, events listings, and groups that might share your interests.
Take a class. Community colleges, local art and music schools, fitness centers and libraries all offer classes that provide you with the ability to learn something new while networking with neighbors.

Get connected online. So much of our socializing is done online. Try searching for local Facebook pages or join

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